Johnson rehires election chief to sharpen coronavirus messaging

Johnson rehires election chief to sharpen coronavirus messaging

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf

Isaac Levido, protege of Lynton Crosby, to tighten up public health campaign after criticism

Boris Johnson’s revamped communications strategy to combat coronavirus will be run like a “political campaign” after he drafted in a new team of advisers spearheaded by his Australian former elections chief, senior sources have said.

Johnson rehires election chief to sharpen coronavirus messaging

Mar 31, 2020, 7:35pm UTC > Isaac Levido, protege of Lynton Crosby, to tighten up public health campaign after criticism > Boris Johnson’s revamped communications strategy to combat coronavirus will be run like a “political campaign” after he drafted in a new team of advisers spearheaded by his Australian former elections chief, senior sources have said.