The NFL’s Rooney Rule won’t solve tech’s diversity problem
Last week, Facebook joined Amazon in adopting a version of the “Rooney Rule,” which intends to promote diversity in hiring. Amazon says the Rooney Rule just formalizes a policy that’s already in place to interview at least one woman and person of color for future board of director positions. Facebook tells The Verge that it will apply the rule company-wide. In the NFL, the policy requires companies to interview candidates of color for executive positions or else risk fines from the league. Even then, the Rooney Rule has had a limited impact on diversity within the NFL.
Facebook, on the other hand, says it will self-police when it comes to following the Rooney Rule. In a statement to The Verge, Facebook wrote, “In terms of accountability, there is accountability in that we have published this new policy publicly in our Corporate Governance Guidelines, so if the Board fails to follow this policy, the directors would be subject to significant investor and media scrutiny and potential shareholder claims.” Amazon did not respond to questions about accountability or penalties. Without giving it teeth, the Rooney Rule’s adoption in tech will likely result in nothing more than checking off a “we care about diversity” box.