With All Due Respect To Our AI Overlords - You Won’t Be Owning The Roads Any Time Soon
Society falls in love with ideas all the time. Ideas that will never happen or at least no time soon. Flying cars, video phones, 4K Ultra HD, and driverless cars. It is not that humans are incapable of creating the base technology. It is more a matter that humans are the finicky sort. Just because we can, doesn’t mean we want to. Or sometimes it just isn’t worth paying for.
Plenty of technology has been available for a good long time. Jet packs, super-sonic planes, moon bases, deep ocean colonies, and video phones. All of these could have been here decades ago, if only technology were enough. In all honesty, self-driving cars need little more than some good data and some layered heuristics to do the vast majority of the driving. It is a two-dimensional game space with some fairly structured rules… Data Science is really just an optimization play.