'PUBG' creators sue Epic Games over 'Fortnite' battle royale mode
PUBG is based on Epic's widely distributed Unreal Engine, which no doubt fueled some animosity. PUBG Corp had to watch as its technical partner riffed on its idea and quickly grew a larger audience, overtaking PUBG's concurrent player record in February (3.4 million simultaneous Fortnite users versus PUBG's 3.3 million) and converting superstar livestreamers like Ninja. It's hard to imagine PUBG Corp not taking action regardless of the merits of its case. Epic, meanwhile, will profit from engine licensing even if it loses. It's just a question of whether or not anything happens to Fortnite as a result of the legal battle." data-reactid="19">However the lawsuit goes, there will still be an awkward relationship between the two companies. PUBG is based on Epic's widely distributed Unreal Engine, which no doubt fueled some animosity. PUBG Corp had to watch as its technical partner riffed on its idea and quickly grew a larger audience, overtaking PUBG's concurrent player record in February (3.4 million simultaneous Fortnite users versus PUBG's 3.3 million) and converting superstar livestreamers like Ninja. It's hard to imagine PUBG Corp not taking action regardless of the merits of its case. Epic, meanwhile, will profit from engine licensing even if it loses. It's just a question of whether or not anything happens to Fortnite as a result of the legal battle.
Korea Times" data-reactid="20">Korea Times