EU Parliament's Own Website Violates The GDPR
We've been pointing out for a while that, however well-intentioned the GDPR may be, and however important the general concept of protecting user's private data is, that still doesn't make the GDPR any less ridiculous. Indeed, we've pointed out that the setup of the GDPR is such that it's becoming a regulatory nightmare because the compliance costs are high, and the setup of the rules are so vague that the liability risk remains high. I know that some people keep insisting that the requirements to be compliant aren't actually that difficult. Indeed, EU Commissioner Vera Journova recently claimed that complying with the GDPR was so easy that even she could do it.
Upon hearing that, software engineer Matthias Gliwka wondered if the EU was actually complying with its own "so easy" GDPR rules. Turns out, not so much. As Gilwka noted, the EU Parliament's own website appears to violate the GDPR.