Mellanox Launches Ground-Breaking Open Hyper-Scalable Enterprise Framework
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 29, 2018--NETEVENTS -- Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. (NASDAQ: MLNX), a leading supplier of high-performance, end-to-end smart interconnect solutions for data center servers and storage systems, today officially launches the Mellanox Hyper-scalable Enterprise Framework, the industry’s first truly scalable, open framework for private cloud and enterprise data centers.
For the first time ever organizations can build a high performance 25G, 50G and 100G hyperscale Ethernet network, like those used by the Super 7 – the seven largest technology firms 1. With Mellanox networking solutions it is now possible to achieve Hyperscale capabilities without a Hyperscale budget or resources, using industry standard hardware and commercial and open-source software.