Automation and The Rise of Meaningful Work
In 2005, Google’s Director of Engineering and Futurist Ray Kurzweil published one of the most important books on the future of our species: The Singularity is Near. Unlike the Musks’ and Hawkings’ of the world, Kurzweil has been a consistent champion of technology and automation — and for good reason. A rational optimist, his worldview and predictions are grounded in scientific fact and empirical evidence.
In his book, Kurzweil welcomes a future in which artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence: a tipping point known as the technological singularity. In this era, Kurzweil envisions that we will be able to merge with machines to upgrade our biology and intellectual capacity. While we haven’t yet encountered Super Intelligent AI that can do this, Narrow AI has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Despite the positive outlook that experts like Kurzweil present, the headlines suggest that most people imagine a dystopian future in which AI will, at best, steal our jobs and, at worst, lead to human extinction.