Assassin’s Creed Odyssey release date, news, and trailers
When it comes to Assassin’s Creed games it’s no longer a matter of if it's going to be released. Instead, it’s become where and when (both in real life and in-game). Although we were certain that there would be another Assassin’s Creed game after 2017’s extremely successful Origins, it wasn’t until the leak of a keyring and a subsequent confirmation from Ubisoft that we can now say we know it’s going to be called Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
Information on Odyssey is thin on the ground at the moment and although we think it’s a safe bet that the game will take players back to Ancient Greece, we can’t really be sure of anything. Here we’ve gathered everything we’ve heard about the game so far, before its big reveal at E3 2018.