Tinder Matches you to People Near you at Places

Tinder Matches you to People Near you at Places

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341


Tinder is rolling out and testing location features and sharing in Sydney, Brisbane and Santiago, Chile. The experience is part “missed connection”, part a clone of the popular app, Happn.

The premise is we would be nice relating to online people we have a higher chance of actually seeing in real life — at the places we frequent on a regular basis — coffe shops, bars, the gym, etc…

Tinder Matches you to People Near you at Places

May 24, 2018, 10:27pm UTC
https://medium.com/futuresin/tinder-matches-you-to-people-near-you-at-places-757a1fa2aace > Tinder is rolling out and testing location features and sharing in Sydney, Brisbane and Santiago, Chile. The experience is part “missed connection”, part a clone of the popular app, Happn. > The premise is we would be nice relating to online people we have a higher chance of actually seeing in real life — at the places we frequent on a regular basis — coffe shops, bars, the gym, etc…