How to See What Your Twitter Feed Would Have Looked Like in 2008
Ah, 2008. Barack Obama was elected the first black President of the United States. The Large Hadron Collider was officially completed. And Twitter was a more wholesome, conflict-free online community of mundane life updates. At least, that’s what it seems like when you use a search function to see what everyone you are following today was tweeting 10 years ago.
Screengrab: Twitter Andy Baio, a technologist and the former CTO of Kickstarter, shared the search function on Twitter Thursday (note: if you’re on mobile, make sure to filter by “latest” for the timeline to work properly). Immediately, people were shocked at how much simpler Twitter was a decade ago. Sure there were no memes, or threads...but there was also no outrage, no spats. It was weirdly...pleasant.