'Detroit: Become Human' review: A strong story makes your choices matter
“Detroit” tells a story of how the creation of androids impacts the world through the eyes of three different android protagonists: Connor, a negotiator; Kara, a housekeeper, and Markus a companion. It does this using a branching narrative system connected by a flowchart." data-reactid="26">“Detroit” tells a story of how the creation of androids impacts the world through the eyes of three different android protagonists: Connor, a negotiator; Kara, a housekeeper, and Markus a companion. It does this using a branching narrative system connected by a flowchart.
But the flowchart is only visible after you complete each game chapter, so it won’t influence your decision-making while playing. The choices you ended up making are shown on the chart, while those you could have made are greyed out, incentivizing you to go back and replay so you can discover every outcome possible." data-reactid="38">But the flowchart is only visible after you complete each game chapter, so it won’t influence your decision-making while playing. The choices you ended up making are shown on the chart, while those you could have made are greyed out, incentivizing you to go back and replay so you can discover every outcome possible.