Why AI is the next frontier of medicine
Google’s eye test used a form of AI called machine learning, which attempts to teach a computer system how to make decisions by feeding tons of data into an algorithm." data-reactid="19">Google’s eye test used a form of AI called machine learning, which attempts to teach a computer system how to make decisions by feeding tons of data into an algorithm.
To do that Google fed its algorithm images of both normal retinas and those of people who show signs of heart disease, an approach called computer vision. After training the algorithm, it was able to look at individual images of retinas and determine whether they belonged to healthy patients or those who may have heart disease." data-reactid="20">To do that Google fed its algorithm images of both normal retinas and those of people who show signs of heart disease, an approach called computer vision. After training the algorithm, it was able to look at individual images of retinas and determine whether they belonged to healthy patients or those who may have heart disease.