Senate votes on net neutrality's fate: Here's what you need to know

Senate votes on net neutrality's fate: Here's what you need to know

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341

The clock has been ticking on net neutrality, with those rules set to expire next month. On Wednesday, the US Senate is voting on a resolution to turn back the Federal Communications Commission's repeal of the regulations.

Democrats are using the Congressional Review Act to try to halt the FCC's December repeal of net neutrality. The law gives Congress 60 legislative days to undo regulations imposed by a federal agency. What's needed to roll back the FCC action are simple majorities in both the House and Senate, as well as the president's signature.

Senate votes on net neutrality's fate: Here's what you need to know

May 16, 2018, 12:21pm UTC >The clock has been ticking on net neutrality, with those rules set to expire next month. On Wednesday, the US Senate is voting on a resolution to turn back the Federal Communications Commission's repeal of the regulations. >Democrats are using the Congressional Review Act to try to halt the FCC's December repeal of net neutrality. The law gives Congress 60 legislative days to undo regulations imposed by a federal agency. What's needed to roll back the FCC action are simple majorities in both the House and Senate, as well as the president's signature.