Here's why Thanos is the best Marvel villain yet

Here's why Thanos is the best Marvel villain yet

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341

If you're sick and tired of one-and-done Marvel movie villains, fret not. Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War finally does away with its formulaic villain of the week (well, of the movie, in this case).

Thanos, the big, bad, bald villain of Infinity War, is clearly the star despite being entirely CGI. Unlike the unbelievably bland Ultron in the earlierĀ Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thanos is wonderfully animated with a wide range of emotions from anger to joy to even sadness. From his first appearance in the movie to the end, the evil boss feels like a solid presence, unlike some of the more forgettable one-shot villains in other Marvel flicks.