Facebook sent a doctor on a secret mission to ask hospitals to share patient data

6 years ago
Anonymous $6QwnpLKsMj


Facebook has asked several major U.S. hospitals to share anonymized data about their patients, such as illnesses and prescription info, for a proposed research project. Facebook was intending to match it up with user data it had collected, and help the hospitals figure out which patients might need special care or treatment.

The proposal never went past the planning phases and has been put on pause after the Cambridge Analytica data leak scandal raised public concerns over how Facebook and others collect and use detailed information about Facebook users.


...share anonymized data about their patients, such as illnesses and prescription info, for a proposed research project. Facebook was intending to match it up with user data...

In other words, deanonymixe anonymized data - pin medical record information to individual social media users.

As I read HIPAA, this is one count of a Federal felony for each record disclosed.

Entitled bastards.

That's seriously messed up.