The Cambridge Analytica scandal hasn’t stopped Facebook’s quest to make Stories happen

The Cambridge Analytica scandal hasn’t stopped Facebook’s quest to make Stories happen

6 years ago
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Facebook leadership is still grappling with the ongoing Cambridge Analytica data privacy scandal, but that doesn’t mean the quest to destroy Snapchat has taken a break. According to TechCrunch, the company is currently testing three new features for its ephemeral messaging Stories product that aim to make the feature a more prominent part of the mobile Facebook app.

These tests include making the Facebook camera the default option when a user chooses to update their profile status; making Stories the default sharing destination any time a user uses the Facebook camera’s Snapchat-style augmented reality features; and floating a window of Facebook Stories with large preview tiles right at the top of News Feed.

The Cambridge Analytica scandal hasn’t stopped Facebook’s quest to make Stories happen

Apr 5, 2018, 8:40pm UTC >Facebook leadership is still grappling with the ongoing Cambridge Analytica data privacy scandal, but that doesn’t mean the quest to destroy Snapchat has taken a break. According to TechCrunch, the company is currently testing three new features for its ephemeral messaging Stories product that aim to make the feature a more prominent part of the mobile Facebook app. >These tests include making the Facebook camera the default option when a user chooses to update their profile status; making Stories the default sharing destination any time a user uses the Facebook camera’s Snapchat-style augmented reality features; and floating a window of Facebook Stories with large preview tiles right at the top of News Feed.