The Biggest Cryptocurrency Mining Hack Yet Made a Grand Total of $24

The Biggest Cryptocurrency Mining Hack Yet Made a Grand Total of $24

6 years ago
Anonymous $v9r5mEH86V

Criminals: At the very least, you should learn to do a crime properly. I’m not saying I want you to do crimes, I am just saying that you should have some self-respect. Because, folks, listen—this cryptocurrency mining stuff is just not working out.

Sunday, hackers orchestrated what’s likely the largest cryptocurrency mining hack to date by compromising an accessibility plugin used by thousands of websites. This made any visitor to the many affected UK, US, and Canadian government sites (among others) mine cryptocurrency with their computer before the attack was shut off after four hours. According to spokespeople for the mining service used by the hackers, Coinhive, the result of this effort was $24 USD worth of Monero.

The Biggest Cryptocurrency Mining Hack Yet Made a Grand Total of $24

Feb 13, 2018, 5:24pm UTC >Criminals: At the very least, you should learn to do a crime properly. I’m not saying I want you to do crimes, I am just saying that you should have some self-respect. Because, folks, listen—this cryptocurrency mining stuff is just not working out. >Sunday, hackers orchestrated what’s likely the largest cryptocurrency mining hack to date by compromising an accessibility plugin used by thousands of websites. This made any visitor to the many affected UK, US, and Canadian government sites (among others) mine cryptocurrency with their computer before the attack was shut off after four hours. According to spokespeople for the mining service used by the hackers, Coinhive, the result of this effort was $24 USD worth of Monero.