Circuit Breaker Live: DIY iPod hack, smart toothbrushes, and the finest iPad accessories

6 years ago
Anonymous $v9r5mEH86V

Today’s Circuit Breaker Live is going to be a good time. As a reminder, we’re on every Tuesday starting at 4PM ET, and the archived version lives on our YouTube page until the end of time. (That’s today at 4PM ET!) Today’s show has everything you could want: iPods, connected toothbrushes, and lots of iPad adjacent accessories, like a geiger counter that connects to your headphone jack. Yes!

We might even update our firmware or struggle to pair a gadget over Bluetooth. It’s Circuit Breaker Live, we can’t guarantee that all these gadgets will work perfectly.

Circuit Breaker Live: DIY iPod hack, smart toothbrushes, and the finest iPad accessories

Feb 20, 2018, 4:20pm UTC >Today’s Circuit Breaker Live is going to be a good time. As a reminder, we’re on every Tuesday starting at 4PM ET, and the archived version lives on our YouTube page until the end of time. (That’s today at 4PM ET!) Today’s show has everything you could want: iPods, connected toothbrushes, and lots of iPad adjacent accessories, like a geiger counter that connects to your headphone jack. Yes! >We might even update our firmware or struggle to pair a gadget over Bluetooth. It’s Circuit Breaker Live, we can’t guarantee that all these gadgets will work perfectly.