Monster Hunter World review – feast of fun and fury where you're on the menu

Monster Hunter World review – feast of fun and fury where you're on the menu

6 years ago
Anonymous $v9r5mEH86V

PlayStation 4, Xbox One; CapcomPitting you against everything from fire-breathing dinosaurs to fluffy bird-wyverns, this is destined to be one of 2018’s best games

It’s rare that a video game forges a connection with nature, but Monster Hunter World does so by returning players to a time when humans were a part of the food chain, casting you simultaneously as a hunter-gatherer and zoologist. Like a virtual Attenborough, the hunter heads out into stupendously gorgeous places, rich with natural life and untouched by human influence, to track and observe extraordinary creatures, gathering local plants, bugs and mushrooms to study their healing or offensive properties. Then, distinctly unlike Attenborough, they must battle to the death.