Burger King Trolled Customers to Perfectly Explain Net Neutrality

Burger King Trolled Customers to Perfectly Explain Net Neutrality

7 years ago
Anonymous $v9r5mEH86V


My job is to explain complex technical and policy concepts, and I think I’m pretty good at it, but a new Burger King ad explaining net neutrality put me to shame (yes, really):

Burger King created a “fast lane” for Whoppers in the commercial, which allowed customers who paid more to get their burger faster. Without the net neutrality rules that the Federal Communications Commission repealed last year, internet companies could charge customers more for faster access to certain online content, just like the Whopper fast lane. They could prioritize some content over others (chicken sandwiches over Whoppers, for example) and throttle service on content for some users (very, very slowly handing over the bag).