Facebooks News Feed Changes, explained

Facebooks News Feed Changes, explained

7 years ago
Anonymous $v9r5mEH86V


Hi, this article is especially intended for all those who have to deal with Facebooks News Feed changes for professional reasons. In my analysis I would like to explain the basic principles behind Facebook News Feed. I would also like to analyse the reasons for the reorganisation, highlight risks and opportunities for publishers and society and take a look at the future of Facebooks. This article was originally published in German. I used DeepL for the translation. Merci, Martin

The original idea of the news feed was to bundle all the activities of friends in one place. Until now, users had posted their photos and status updates only on their own profile page. The news feed now made it possible to see at a glance everything that the friends are up to, without the hassle of surfing from profile page to profile page.