Comcast is giving its employees $1,000 bonuses because net neutrality is dead
Comcast today announced that it would be doling out $1,000 employee bonuses in response to the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality rules last week, as well as the Senate and House’s passing of Republicans’ tax reform bill poised to provide a substantial windfall to wealthy Americans and corporations. Comcast has long been an opponent to Title II classification, which gave the FCC the authority to regulate telecommunications companies and ISPs like utilities. The company sought to kill those consumer protections under the guise they harmed investment, and it celebrated the FCC’s actions last week.
Following the net neutrality repeal, Comcast was unwilling to say it would never block or throttle content or offer paid fast lanes. Those actions are all prevented by robust net neutrality rules and regulatory oversight, yet now are all distinct possibilities since FCC Chairman Ajit Pai gutted Obama-era protections in the name of returning the internet to its prior regulation-free (read: corporation-friendly) regulatory system.