Intel’s processors have a security bug and the fix could slow down PCs

Intel’s processors have a security bug and the fix could slow down PCs

7 years ago
Anonymous $1bh8zaeyQS

A security flaw in Intel processors has led to a redesign of Linux and Windows kernels. Programmers have been busy for the past two months patching the Linux kernel’s virtual memory system to protect against a bug in Intel CPUs that could let attackers exploit security weaknesses and access security keys, passwords, and files cached from a disk. The Register reports that updates are required for both Windows and Linux systems, and performance of a machine will be affected.

Reports suggest information around the specific bug has been kept confidential between software and hardware vendors, and patches for the Linux kernel include comments that have been redacted to prevent attackers discovering the precise weakness. The security bug could be present on Intel processors manufactured over the past 10 years, meaning many systems will require updates.