FTC: We Cannot Protect Consumers After Net Neutrality Is Gone; “We Are Being Set up to Fail”
By now everyone who even remotely follows the technology industry knows that there is something going on about net neutrality. Thanks to how the internet is used to turn every issue into a turf war, net neutrality advocates and opponents in the government have been following the same strategy – to make it a party issue. But, as seen previously, net neutrality has far worse repercussions and goes beyond the party lines as we have previously listed only some of the violations that big corporations routinely committed before activists fought to have net neutrality rules approved.
However, the Federal Communication Commission continues to suggest that no one needs to be worried because its sister department, the Federal Trade Commission, will be protecting the internet for everyone. FTC, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to believe if it can take on this new role and believes that it’s being set up by the FCC to fail.