Miss Jailbreaking Your iPhone? Google Might Be Planning a Christmas Gift for You!
It’s been such a long time since jailbreaking stories were part of our everyday reporting. After every new iPhone, after every new version of iOS, hackers had a mission of breaking the new software apart to make it just a little like, well, Android. In the past two years, however, Apple has further walled off its products and software making it nearly impossible for hackers to break into it. Those who do manage to find such vulnerabilities now prefer to get paid in millions by companies like Zerodium.
Those who miss the days of jailbreaking and customizing their iPhones, Google might have some tricks up its sleeves. After annoying Microsoft for over a year with security bugs in the company’s software, the Pixel maker may now be after the Cupertino giant – its fiercest competitor in the mobile market.