The Jailbreaking Community Is Bracing for Google to Publicly Drop an iPhone Exploit
Until recently, there were many talented hackers—known as jailbreakers—trying to break into the iPhone to open up Apple’s notoriously closed operating system, and for the thrill of the challenge. The iPhone was, and still probably is, the most secure consumer computing device on the planet. The days of people dropping one-click iPhone jailbreaks on the internet are long gone. There are still security researchers hacking iOS, but the bugs they find are so rare that they often sell them to brokers for upwards of a million dollars.
Because exploits are so valuable, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a publicly accessible iPhone jailbreak even for older versions of iOS (let alone one in the wild for an up to date iPhone.) But a tweet sent by a Google researcher Wednesday has got the security and jailbreaking communities in a frenzy. The tweet suggests that Google is about to drop an exploit that is a major step toward an iPhone jailbreak, and other researchers say they will be able to take that exploit and turn it into a full jailbreak.