The first lawsuit to save net neutrality was announced minutes after the FCC voted to repeal it

The first lawsuit to save net neutrality was announced minutes after the FCC voted to repeal it

7 years ago
Anonymous $1bh8zaeyQS

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has repealed net neutrality, after a vote that split along party lines. Already, multiple state attorneys general have announced they will sue to save it.

Minutes after the FCC vote, New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman announced his intent to lead a multi-state lawsuit to “stop illegal rollback of net neutrality.”

The first lawsuit to save net neutrality was announced minutes after the FCC voted to repeal it

Dec 14, 2017, 8:24pm UTC >The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has repealed net neutrality, after a vote that split along party lines. Already, multiple state attorneys general have announced they will sue to save it. >Minutes after the FCC vote, New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman announced his intent to lead a multi-state lawsuit to “stop illegal rollback of net neutrality.”