Comcast Is Pushing For a Flimsy New Net Neutrality Law it Knows Telecom Lobbyists Will Write
The nation’s broadband duopolies scored a major lobbying win last week after the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal net neutrality. But the 3-2 partisan vote at the FCC is only the beginning of the real fight, and ISPs (and the FCC that’s now blatantly pandering to them) have a steep uphill climb in the coming months if they want the repeal to stick. Once the net neutrality rules are posted to the federal register in January, the FCC will face a flurry of lawsuits from consumer groups, numerous states, and impacted companies. During that legal skirmish, the FCC will need to prove that the broadband market changed dramatically enough in just two years to warrant a wholesale reversal of the popular rules (it didn’t).
FCC lawyers will also need to explain why the FCC ignored not only the millions of angry consumers who supported the rules, but also turned a blind eye to the rampant fraud and identity theft that occurred during the repeal’s public comment period; an apparent effort to undermine faith in the process and downplay the massive public backlash to the FCC’s plan.