Can't wait for 5G? Don't then, Gigabit LTE will be around for ages

Can't wait for 5G? Don't then, Gigabit LTE will be around for ages

6 years ago
Anonymous $ZOEEBQ1zf0

While 5G suffers the usual, protracted birth pangs, unfashionable Gigabit LTE is going to be how your mobile bits are delivered for ages.

CCS Insight notes that 43 operators have either deployed Gigabit LTE already or are in trials to do so. T-Mobile says it has deployed the three key technologies needed for Gigabit LTE – 4x4 MIMO, 256 QAM and three-carrier aggregation – in 430 markets already and twice that on LTE-Advanced, the precursor. Not to be outdone, Verizon claims to have Gigabit LTE ready for 560 markets.

Can't wait for 5G? Don't then, Gigabit LTE will be around for ages

Nov 29, 2017, 2:30pm UTC >While 5G suffers the usual, protracted birth pangs, unfashionable Gigabit LTE is going to be how your mobile bits are delivered for ages. >CCS Insight notes that 43 operators have either deployed Gigabit LTE already or are in trials to do so. T-Mobile says it has deployed the three key technologies needed for Gigabit LTE – 4x4 MIMO, 256 QAM and three-carrier aggregation – in 430 markets already and twice that on LTE-Advanced, the precursor. Not to be outdone, Verizon claims to have Gigabit LTE ready for 560 markets.