After Attacking Random Hollywood Supporters Of Net Neutrality, Ajit Pai Attacks Internet Companies
that some in Silicon Valley have criticized it. Twitter, for example, has said that it strongly opposes it andSo, we already talked about FCC chair Ajit Pai's odd attacks on a small group of Hollywood celebrities for daring to support net neutrality, but his other point of attack seemed even more random: internet companies. Remember, the whole point of Pai doing this -- according to his very own words -- is to get the government out of the internet and to allow for what he calls "internet freedom." But, it's funny, because that's not really the message you'd get if you heard Pai speaking over the past few days. In his talk on Tuesday he seemed to be suggesting that perhaps Twitter, in particular, needed a heavy dose of regulation:
Anyway, the criticism of this plan comes from more than just Hollywood. I’m also well aware
“will continue to fight for an open Internet, which is indispensable to free expression, consumer choice,
and innovation.”