Foxconn Profits Plunge Nearly 40% Due to iPhone X Production Issues

Foxconn Profits Plunge Nearly 40% Due to iPhone X Production Issues

7 years ago
Anonymous $ZOEEBQ1zf0

Apple’s chief band of suppliers such as Foxconn are expected to benefit from the smartphone market penetration that the iPhone X is expected to cause. Unfortunately, the current financial position of the phone assembling company is looking very underwhelming as it has reported a near 40 percent decrease in profits. While the sales of the phone are not the primary concern for the tech company, what is important is that components used to make up the iPhone X suffered from production constraints.

While the actual reasons for the slowdown of the iPhone X have not been disclosed, it is suspected that the components that helped to enable Face ID were responsible. Face ID is the latest security implementation in the iPhone X and effectively replaces Touch ID.

Foxconn Profits Plunge Nearly 40% Due to iPhone X Production Issues

Nov 15, 2017, 4:35pm UTC >Apple’s chief band of suppliers such as Foxconn are expected to benefit from the smartphone market penetration that the iPhone X is expected to cause. Unfortunately, the current financial position of the phone assembling company is looking very underwhelming as it has reported a near 40 percent decrease in profits. While the sales of the phone are not the primary concern for the tech company, what is important is that components used to make up the iPhone X suffered from production constraints. >While the actual reasons for the slowdown of the iPhone X have not been disclosed, it is suspected that the components that helped to enable Face ID were responsible. Face ID is the latest security implementation in the iPhone X and effectively replaces Touch ID.