Once Net Neutrality Is Gone, Local Laws Won’t Be Able to Protect You from ISPs’ Claws – FCC Makes Sure of That

Once Net Neutrality Is Gone, Local Laws Won’t Be Able to Protect You from ISPs’ Claws – FCC Makes Sure of That

7 years ago
Anonymous $ZOEEBQ1zf0


FCC won't let states pass their own net neutrality laws

Instead of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continuing to enforce net neutrality rules, Ajit Pai, since his taking the seat as chairman has continued to say that he wants to see these rules gone. A former top lawyer for Verizon, Pai “wants Internet service providers to voluntarily agree to maintain an open Internet” and is doing so to give a boost to “innovation and investment.” Wondering if anyone would be able to stop this reversal? Doesn’t appear so.