Starbucks Isn’t Bad At Acquiring Businesses: It Just Doesn’t Want Them

Starbucks Isn’t Bad At Acquiring Businesses: It Just Doesn’t Want Them

7 years ago
Anonymous $V7g1X9rE3i

Starbucks went on something of a buying binge five or six years ago, buying a healthy-lunch chain, an unhealthy-pastries chain, and a loose tea retailer. Since then, the coffee chain has shuttered all of these businesses, which it paid hundreds of millions of dollars for. Is Starbucks just really bad at picking companies to acquire?

Nope, says Jonathan Maze over at Nation’s Restaurant News. Starbucks didn’t throw away the $620 million that it spent acquring Teavana, or the $100 million that it paid for the bakery chain La Boulange.