Richard Branson's Virgin Group invests in super-fast Hyperloop One transport system

Richard Branson's Virgin Group invests in super-fast Hyperloop One transport system

7 years ago
Anonymous $uquhsGEL_U

Richard Branson's Virgin Group is investing in Hyperloop One, a company developing the super-fast transport system originally dreamed up by Elon Musk.

Hypleroop One is re-branding itself as Virgin Hyperloop One, and Branson is joining the board, the billionaire British investor announced Thursday on CNBC.

Richard Branson's Virgin Group invests in super-fast Hyperloop One transport system

Oct 12, 2017, 1:29pm UTC >Richard Branson's Virgin Group is investing in Hyperloop One, a company developing the super-fast transport system originally dreamed up by Elon Musk. >Hypleroop One is re-branding itself as Virgin Hyperloop One, and Branson is joining the board, the billionaire British investor announced Thursday on CNBC.