White faces generated by AI are more convincing than photos, finds survey

White faces generated by AI are more convincing than photos, finds survey

10 months ago
Anonymous $Wk0x7O2ZQM


Photographs were seen as less realistic than computer images but there was no difference with pictures of people of colour

It sounds like a scenario straight out of a Ridley Scott film: technology that not only sounds more “real” than actual humans, but looks more convincing, too. Yet it seems that moment has already arrived.

White faces generated by AI are more convincing than photos, finds survey

Mon Nov 13, 6:31pm UTC
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/nov/13/white-faces-generated-by-ai-are-more-convincing-than-photos-finds-survey > Photographs were seen as less realistic than computer images but there was no difference with pictures of people of colour > It sounds like a scenario straight out of a Ridley Scott film: technology that not only sounds more “real” than actual humans, but looks more convincing, too. Yet it seems that moment has already arrived.