Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s campaign is a queasy anachronism

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s campaign is a queasy anachronism

10 months ago
Anonymous $Wk0x7O2ZQM

Uninventive and a little uncomfortable, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s single-player is little more than a fairground ride – but will its players really care?

Last year, Nintendo cancelled the rerelease of its war-themed strategy game Advance Wars. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine several weeks earlier had made the timing feel tactless to the publisher, despite the game’s sweetly cartoonish aesthetic. No such qualms for Activision, publisher of Modern Warfare 3, the latest entry to the 20-year-old Call of Duty series, which is released on 10 November. Less than a month after the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war, and with Russian troops still lodged in Ukrainian territory, the annual blockbuster arrives on shareholder-pleasing schedule, despite featuring several scenes of cinematically framed atrocity, such as the gory ransacking of a crowded football stadium by terrorists disguised as paramedics, and the hijacking and downing of a passenger jet bound for Sochi.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s campaign is a queasy anachronism

Wed Nov 8, 3:19pm UTC > Uninventive and a little uncomfortable, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s single-player is little more than a fairground ride – but will its players really care? > Last year, Nintendo cancelled the rerelease of its war-themed strategy game Advance Wars. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine several weeks earlier had made the timing feel tactless to the publisher, despite the game’s sweetly cartoonish aesthetic. No such qualms for Activision, publisher of Modern Warfare 3, the latest entry to the 20-year-old Call of Duty series, which is released on 10 November. Less than a month after the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war, and with Russian troops still lodged in Ukrainian territory, the annual blockbuster arrives on shareholder-pleasing schedule, despite featuring several scenes of cinematically framed atrocity, such as the gory ransacking of a crowded football stadium by terrorists disguised as paramedics, and the hijacking and downing of a passenger jet bound for Sochi.