Nintendo Classic Mini: SNES review – fun-sized reboot of greatest ever console
The Mini SNES will allow original fans to share the beauty, joy and creative brilliance of Mario, Yoshi, Zelda and more with families and friends
Over the last decade we have become used to seeing Nintendo written off, then returning to the fray with an astonishing piece of hardware. The chunky Game Cube failed in the PlayStation era and everyone thought that was it – until the Wii came out and revitalised casual gaming.
Nintendo Classic Mini: SNES review – fun-sized reboot of greatest ever console
Sep 28, 2017, 6:12am UTC
>The Mini SNES will allow original fans to share the beauty, joy and creative brilliance of Mario, Yoshi, Zelda and more with families and friends
>Over the last decade we have become used to seeing Nintendo written off, then returning to the fray with an astonishing piece of hardware. The chunky Game Cube failed in the PlayStation era and everyone thought that was it – until the Wii came out and revitalised casual gaming.