Learn how to sell technical services to non-technical investors & customers at today’s TechCrunch Live event
Simplicity is desperately needed, Jordan Kretchmer was telling me. Jordan’s the co-founder and CEO of Rapid Robotics, a firm that excels at selling its robotic solutions to non-technical customers and investors. His company launched a new service last month that highlights its approach. Called Smart Setup, this clever product gives customers a ridiculous amount of flexibility. Just roll a Rapid Robotics Operator to a new job, and the company says it can be trained to do a new task in under a minute. Simple.
Rapid Robotics CEO Jordan Kretchmer and Bee Partners partner Kira Noodleman are today’s guests on TechCrunch Live, and we hope you can join the live event. The two are experts on selling technical services, and they’re going to walk through their processes. As a partner at Bee Partners, Kira has been pushing this mantra for years. When Jordan was building Rapid Robotics early decks, he turned to Noodleman’s past research to develop his straightforward approach.