‘Absurd Trolley Problems’ Presents Increasingly Ridiculous Ethical Dilemmas
The Trolley Problem is thought experiments that philosophers and ethicists have been tinkering with for decades. If you’re not familiar with the trolley problem, it goes like this: imagine that a trolley is racing down a track, and is about to hit five people tied to it. If you pull a lever, you can divert the trolley to another track with only one person tied to it. What do you do?
The question is so ubiquitous that it was even the subject of an episode of sitcom The Good Place, and if you recognize the drawing above you most likely know it as a meme, which takes the basic concept and twists into increasingly ridiculous shapes. Absurd Trolley Problems, developed by Neal Agarwal, first offers you the normal variant of the trolley problem, and then and then also spins wildly out into several other directions.