Instagram to start pushing Amber Alerts to users’ feeds
Instagram announced today that it’s launching in-app Amber Alerts to allow users to see and share notices of missing children in their area. With this new feature, if an Amber Alert is activated by law enforcement and you are in the designated search area, the alert will now appear in your Instagram feed. The alert will include information about the missing child, including an image, description, location of the abduction and other available information known at the time. Users can then share the alert with their friends on Instagram to further spread the word.
The company says that since the alerts are rare and specific to search areas, if you get an Amber Alert on Instagram, that means there is an active search for a missing child near you. Instagram says it uses available information in order to determine who to show the alerts to, such as the city listed on a user’s profile, their IP address and location services, if they have it turned on.