New App Store Guidelines Ban Virus Scanning Apps, Also Prevents Kids From Using Face ID
iOS is a secure platform, offering a lot of functionality and more. Today, Apple has updated its App Store Review Guidelines in order to prevent developers from creating and uploading anti-virus and malware scanning apps to the iOS App Store. As we have mentioned earlier, iOS is walled, which means no virus can seep in or have an effect on the firmware. Henceforth, it makes sense for the company to update the App Store Guidelines, preventing developers to upload any anti-virus or malware type of applications. So let’s dive in to see some more details on the subject.
Even though Apple strictly disallowed developers to upload any malware or anti-virus apps, they keep doing so, if not directly, then they would offer the functionality as one of the many features in the app. In addition to this, some lesser-known iOS users fall victim to the notion that their iOS might have malware. While Apple does remove these apps, some of them make it to the list of top chart apps on the iOS App Store.