Galaxy S22 Series Now Supports TWRP
Shortly after the Galaxy S22 series was launched, Samsung also released the kernel sources of the devices as well. Needless to say, for any third-party development on Android devices, having kernel sources is very, very important. Now, an unofficial port of Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) is now available for all three devices, all thanks to the XDA member killprocess. For those who do not know, TWRP is important for custom ROMs and other modifications to happen on a device.
A custom recovery such as TWRP is way more important for some people as it allows for aftermarket or third-party development. The primary purpose of such a recovery is to help your device bring back to life during any custom flashing incident. Without custom recovery, it is straight-up impossible to even flash a custom ROM, as the stock recovery is very strict when it comes to letting unofficial software run on the Galaxy S22 or any other device, for that matter.