AMD Next-Generation RDNA3 Navi 31 Flagship GPU ‘Radeon RX 7900’ On Schedule
We heard almost 5 months ago that the AMD Navi 31 had taped out. Before the pandemic, it uses to take around 8 months for a GPU to go from tape out to shipping in volume. Before that, however, engineering samples and validation activity takes place and right on cue, AMD's next-generation Navi 31 - that will form the heart of the Radeon RX 7900 flagship (or whatever AMD ends up calling it) - has been spotted in a changelog (indicating that software validations have begun).
It looks like AMD is mostly ready to turn the tides on the GPU industry by introducing its next-generation MCM-based RDNA3 architecture - which will debut in the Navi 31 GPU. All the leaks so far have pointed to there being at least 1 SKU with two chiplets on board and considering AMD has already been highly successful with this strategy on the CPU front - there is no reason why they won't be able to do the same with GPUs - which are already far more parrallelize-able than CPUs. This changelog update doesn't really confirm any new details but does show that the RDNA3 architecture is on schedule for release this year - and coming soon!