Copper Labs sparks joy for utility companies by making their meters smarter

Copper Labs sparks joy for utility companies by making their meters smarter

3 years ago
Anonymous $jukOC22bR_

Utility companies have a problem: Their “smart grids” were created to solve billing problems from a decade ago, not the needs and expectations from 2022 consumers with electric cars, solar panels and an obsession with real-time data. Copper Labs just raised $5.5 million to help them solve that problem, with an elegant little hardware device that serves as a bridge between the low-resolution smart meters and the consumer’s internet connection.

“The problem is even the most sophisticated electric Smart Grid deployments right now are only telling utilities what happened yesterday, and only in 15-minute intervals,” says Dan Forman, CEO at Copper Labs. “A lot of them are only getting that data once every 30 days. If you go beyond electricity into gas and water, most of those guys are still accessing data once every 30 days. The pace of disruption on the grid is not being matched by the pace of innovation. We’re helping utilities find more cost-effective ways to deliver the solutions they need.”