AMD Radeon RX 6800S RDNA 2 Mobile GPU is 11% Slower Than Radeon RX 6800M

AMD Radeon RX 6800S RDNA 2 Mobile GPU is 11% Slower Than Radeon RX 6800M

3 years ago
Anonymous $jukOC22bR_

AMD recently launched it's Radeon RX 6000S RDNA 2 refresh mobile GPU lineup which complicated an already confusing laptop graphics lineup. Now the new benchmarks of the RX 6800S have been leaked and show why it's important to know the difference between the 'M' and 'S' series parts.

The AMD Radeon RX 6000S & Radeon RX 6000M series feature the same branding except for the last word in their nomenclature. While the 'M' parts are designated as the standard variants, the newly announced 'S' parts are designed for slim and power-optimized platforms hence they'll be slower than those standard RDNA 2 mobile GPUs. Not only that, but the parts also have different specifications compared to the standard part which makes the naming scheme more confusing.