Wall of Green Lasers Blankets Sky in Hawai'i, Likely From Chinese Satellite
Last month, a camera from a telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i's tallest mountain, captured something eerie: a wall of green lasers visibly shooting across the sky.
The light show, which has been described as resembling the green code from The Matrix, occurred on January 28 and was caught by a camera operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). Initially, NAOJ said in a YouTube video that the lasers had come from NASA's ICESat-2 satellite, which maps and measures Earth's surface in three-dimensional detail to keep track of sea ice and forests. If it was ICESat-2, the lasers would have come from its Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter (ATLAS) instrument, which emits laser beams that NASA says are "bright green on the visible spectrum."