Suggested Entrance Fee for LA Landlord Conference: A Can of Food for the Homeless
The “Million Dollar Trade Show and Landlording Conference” held at Los Angeles’s convention center last Wednesday featured talks titled “Is the Eviction Moratorium Over? Can We Take Back Our Property?”, “The Difference Between No-Fault and At-Fault Eviction”, given by the founder of EZ Eviction, Inc., and “Evictions and Tenant Protections: Where Do Landlords Stand?” featuring “new strategies to remove unwanted tenants.” The landlord conference is free, but the suggested donation was “a can for the Union Rescue Mission’s ‘Feed the Homeless Program.’”
The convention was thrown by a group called the Apartment Owners Association of California, Inc., which has opposed proposed legislation that would increase California’s property taxes, opposed COVID eviction moratoriums, and advertises evictions and collections services for its members. The group has lobbied all over the state to oppose rent control, teaches its members to minimize taxes, has “tenant screening” seminars, and offers sample eviction and payment demand forms, as well as forms designed to tell tenants that their rent is going to be increased. It also offers a service to help landlords collect debts: “Did your tenant skip out owing you money? Let us help you collect that debt and report them to all three major credit bureaus," it says on its website.