‘Fallout’-Style Cartoons Meant to Train Russian Soldiers Are Spreading on Telegram
A cartoon allegedly meant to train Russian troops for the war in Ukraine is circulating on Russian and Ukrainian social media channels. The cartoon uses internet memes, and references to video games and films including The Mask and Deadpool, to teach incoming soldiers about cover, how to handle grenades, and how to stay alive on the battlefield.
One of the cartoons details how to win a firefight by showing off a gun battle between the titular film characters, The Mask and Deadpool. The instructor tells the soldiers to fire first, seek cover, and keep moving. He says that a car is a bad place to take cover, because bullets will go right through it, but notes that the solid engine block may offer better protection. To illustrate the point, the cartoon shows Deadpool’s body with his torso blown away, his gorey spine revealed after he sought shelter behind a car.