Apple AirTag Review: Finding Lost Items Made Simple
AirTag is a small white disc meant to track personal items such as keys and luggage.
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TrackingThe idea with an AirTag is simple: Attach it to something you might lose. If you do misplace the item, you can use the Find My app to locate it again. This type of Bluetooth tracker isn't new though; in fact, in technology-years, it's quite old. Apple is following the lead of other companies, including Tile, in its creating a similar tracking product. But, the important question here is, How does AirTag work?
Waiting around to lose something can be time-consuming. At first, I had my kids hide an AirTag around the house, and I found it quickly. Using an iPhone 12 Pro with a U1 chip made it easy to locate items within close distances. A capable iPhone can point you in the direction of an AirTag within inches. To take the experiment farther, I asked a friend to drop one somewhere around town to see if I could find it again. Here's what happened.