OSU, Marc Jacobs Call Truce Over Infuriating Competing Trademark Applications For The Word "The"
Normally, when we see what we consider a dumb trademark dispute over a dumb trademark resulting in two parties calling a truce and stopping the dumbness, we cheer such resolutions on. Far too many dumb trademark disputes find their way into the courtroom or become prolonged USPTO disputes, after all. So, when a resolution is amicably reached, that tends to be a good thing.
This is not one of those times. You will recall that since the middle of 2019, we have been discussing a crazy trademark application made by The Ohio State University for the word "THE". Yes, the school is trying to trademark what may well be the most commonly used word in the English language simply because of its own pompous insistence that its school be recognized with that word at the start of its name. It's dumb enough, in fact, that former OSU footballer and current NCAA Football analyst Kirk Herbstreit panned the school's actions in an interview. Despite the public outcry over all of this, and despite the school initially being denied the mark by the USPTO on largely technical grounds, OSU has continued to press on trying to get its trademark.